The Consumer Electronics Show (CES), a tech-centered industry event that unveiled everything from new mobile devices to one-wheeled electric skateboards, transpired January 6 through 9 in Las Vegas. CES is always a meteoric media storm over what fresh gadgets are going to liven up the marketplace in the months to come and this year was no different.

Digital Trends at Consumer Electronics Shows

A growing vein of products was dedicated to med tech in 2014, with 300 exhibitors focused on tracking or improving health on the customer level. Here are three memorable trends that dominated the technological smorgasbord this year.

Wearable self-tracking

According to the Accenture Digital Consumer Tech Survey, 52 percent of consumers are interested in buying devices that track their health. It should come as no surprise then that products like Nike Fuelband and Fitbit Force are hot-ticket items. Released in late 2013, the products still suffer from first-generation bugs as well as limited availability for some users because they must be electronically tethered to iPhones to take advantage of their full functionalities.

As the novelty factor starts to fade on wrist-mounted fitness tracking, consumers can expect electronic design and manufacturing services to improve and refine this burgeoning technology.

Solutions for seniors

The baby boomer generation turns 68 in 2014, but the stereotype of fearful, tech-timid grandparents is holding less true every year. AARP found that 80 percent of its members own either a computer, e-reader or tablet, and 36 percent reported that they are “very comfortable” with technology.

With their newfound comfort, seniors are on the lookout for devices that can assist them medically in order to preserve their independence and standard of living. CES featured a plethora of products geared towards injury prevention, social engagement, and the detection and treatment of chronic ailments.

One such product is MobileHelp’s Cellular DUO, a souped-up version of the antiquated LifeAlert system. DUO runs on AT&T’s cell network, meaning users can still be at ease when there’s no land line nearby. The product works in conjunction with MobileHelp’s online portal, “Connect.”

Real-time remote monitoring

Over the next two decades, remote monitoring technologies are poised to save the US healthcare system nearly $200 billion, according to a study by Brookings Institute. Largely reliant on the explosive prevalence of Internet, video capturing, and wireless technology, the sector will likely expand to encompass bioelectric sensors and also include the power to detect a deeper range of biofeedback information. Heart rate, sleep/wake cycle, bathroom visits, and even coughs will be able to be recorded with ease thanks to this technology.

Pivot International offers award-winning mechanical and electrical engineering services for innovative health and fitness products. Contact us today to learn how we can help you make your product ideas a reality.